
Nah, let’s see where this Russia probe is going first. No concessions on new legislation. Just keep the lights on and stall.

Seventy-year-old Arthur Jones has run for the seat seven times over two decades, and argues that his flagrant racism, anti-Semitism, and white supremacy is okay because he’s not running to become “the chancellor of Germany.”

Keep tawkin, Junior. As the old saying goes, “Never interrupt your enemy when he’s making a mistake.”

Pfft, please. Felons don’t pay taxes because they’re all nonworking subhumans.
(I feel it’s necessary to point out that this is sarcasm, because some people are so vile that a a serious mirror of this post is plausible)

Nothing says “I have something reasonable to add to this discussion not at all inflammatory” like the words “I’m probably going to get crucified” and “ideological totalitarianism.”

Russ Shanpawn

M. Peach is a good name...

35$ for a Hue Gweener

Maybe it’s because whenever we lefties think you righties couldn’t possibly come up with anything worse, you go ahead and surprise us.

It is obviously not the right thing to do, but that may have been the political calculation.

(paging @whatastorymark! :)

What are you doing New York Times you’re tearing me apart! I did not falsify coverage I did not!

There are way more stories about Hillary being an awful person than there are about her being a good person. Bernie was the right pick and shame on anyone that voted for her. You are a big reason we have Trump.  

The woman who initially made the complaint was also reassigned to a new position

“You know, these substantiated attacks on our President are just so tiresome. I wish we could get back to covering the pointless outrage-trigger issues that Real Americans really care about.”

Waking up to this. Day made. Thank you.

Some might find this interesting, but I don’t see it taking off.

For me, the most damaging aspect is when other minorities dismiss racism against Asian Americans with whataboutism arguments.

Very close, but that’s what you get when you apply the commutative property to the correct quotation.

Cadet Bone Spurs is the early leader for burn of the year.