Good insight and good explanation. Standing sonar watch is a 50/50 mix of science and art. Thanks brother.
Good insight and good explanation. Standing sonar watch is a 50/50 mix of science and art. Thanks brother.
Das Boot is dead nuts on for Diesel Boats. What’s interesting to me was when the ENC “thins’s the mix” with whiskey an then says “DBF” but never explains it. Someone on the set was in the know.
How many articles have you written about DUI’s and the evil auto dealerships that sell them cars?
You aren’t very good at your craft. Your writing lacks structure and kind of meanders around. Try saying something that hasn’t already been said dozens of time by more talented writers than yourself.
And the gun humper comment is exactly what most people would expect from a mouth breather with a room temp IQ.
II can’t speak for all white people (and neither can you) but I don’t really think about the race of characters when I read about them. White, Black, brown etc. it makes no difference as long as the character is interesting and compelling. I certainly never wished for a school to be represented as “all white” because…
No one gains respect by disrespecting others.