Gotta love the "expand" button on each pictures that does everything but expand the size..
Gotta love the "expand" button on each pictures that does everything but expand the size..
You could use
You could create a Pocket account, save the article and read it later on your Nexus 7 ;)
I almost threw a wiimote because of those.. I don't own a Wii anymore.
@Se7en_speed: And my Archos 32 (which is Wifi-only) will definitely like this.
"The consequences will never be the same."
I'm currently satisfied with gReader. Why did it take so long Google? It's not like you don't own the product..
I like the way you think..
Augmented reality adblocker?
@ImmaLion: What did I just watch?
@jezz.torrent: Duke Nukem 64 had them too.
I usually starting training slowly and gradually increase the pace instead of stretching. However, I stretch after working out to reduce the muscle soreness you get when you wake up the day after.
Universal, waterproof, and cheap!
Oh by the way, US-only..
Should have called it AeroShock.
Even lightnings don't care about the Wii..
I wasn't aware of Inception before it came out in theaters. This movie is AWESOME!
@Benguin: The Google Labs plugin called "Mail Goggles" for Gmail just do that.
I've been using it for some time, and it is almost a must-have for me now.