
Come on Microsoft, make an enclosure in which you can insert your own HDD and format it..


One more reason to keep my Wii for a little while :D

Mplayer for me. Has been in use in a lot of homebrews like MplayerCE on the Wii.

Could be useful.

Currently using Mozilla Weave to sync my systems, including my Portable Firefox on my USB thumbdrive.

Holy sh**, the 64DD..

Well, that gives an additional purpose to the cursor, without being overly distracting.

I managed to read the articles through the RSS feed until now, I just couldn't leave any comments.

"We won't do any backups, it's not like anything is going to happen.."

From that screenshot, the interface layout looks pretty close to Firefox.

@Antiterra: Next-next step: never having to deal with real-world again.

Two problems here:

I'm more inclined to think it's because they haven't released a good game since.

Always, especially if I'm oversea. Much easier and less costly to communicate with family members in case something goes wrong.

I don't know if the color my been too aqua, but this one isn't bad too

VOTE: Pidgin

No love for Canada yet :(

Gmail with Google Gears for offline access.

@The Cap'n: That would give the opportunity to those who are not behaving properly to get back their money, reopen another account and repeat the bad behavior without coercion.