
I use one of my shell accounts in the US.

I like Remote Desktop Connection more, because it locks the workstation so nobody can see what you are actually doing on the remote computer, unlike the others.

I put all my bookmarks on my Google Bookmarks, no need to sync, and all my favorites are private.

Why isn't this a default behavior of Windows as of right now?

Vote: Remote Desktop (mstsc.exe)

@ZekiPigeon: There's nothing wrong with it, there's just other alternatives.

My favorite tool for ripping CDs to my Creative ZEN.

Probably why it's not a hit.

LOL ow, killer reply.

I received a CrossOver for Mac code, but I never received one for CrossOver Linux, even if I suscribed for both. Am I the only one with this problem?

Are the users that create those songs get something or are screwed in the process?

Sounds like MaLware Game Grip

1- A chair that you can adjust properly to remove stress on the knees in case your feet don't touch the ground properly.

Let's me guess, US only?

@2-7offsuit: I used the Canonicals server in the UK, I downloaded at 700Kb/s yesterday on the "rush hours".

Getting locked out/banned from a free forum is one thing, but being banned from a game that YOU paid is too much.

Christmas sales fail.

I'm so downloading this ! Thanks LifeHacker !

Penumbra, the ambience in the game is scary as hell.