Sounds like MaLware Game Grip
Sounds like MaLware Game Grip
1- A chair that you can adjust properly to remove stress on the knees in case your feet don't touch the ground properly.
Let's me guess, US only?
@2-7offsuit: I used the Canonicals server in the UK, I downloaded at 700Kb/s yesterday on the "rush hours".
Getting locked out/banned from a free forum is one thing, but being banned from a game that YOU paid is too much.
Christmas sales fail.
I'm so downloading this ! Thanks LifeHacker !
Penumbra, the ambience in the game is scary as hell.
They should make the movie like Robot Chicken.
And Cliff said it was to avoid piracy on the PC platform. OWNED!
If it was to get Half-Life: Episode Three a month before release, I'd walk six hours to get there anytime.
I'm not sure which one is the 3000, but I prefer the one at the bottom. The one at the top seems to be too blueish, and the darker colors are not very accurate.
While the image was loading, I thought at first it was a Jack Thompson disguise for Halloween.
I'm using UltraISO, which can mount ISO to a drive letter out of the box.
Don't penalize the legitimate users, reward them with exclusive content instead.
Dear Ubisoft,
As usual, Nintendo will cross their arms and not include Flash 10 on the Nintendo Wii.
He looks like emo-Sam Fischer
Cannot say "thank you!" enough for the hard work of all these volunteers!