
If she was that concerned with the children of the Muslim world (not sure why she's so invested in Islam since she comes from a Tamil Hindu background), she could use her own platform. Not sure why Bey or the BLM movement has to use theirs to air HER concerns. She's extra and I don't see it for her. Bucky go gone, you

She’s addressing American privilege and foreign policy by throwing BLM under the bus. That’s why people are pissed at her. She didn’t need to mention BLM to make a point about how Americans don’t care about foreign policy but she chose to basically call out the BLM movement as though they are personally responsible

I think that’s how the white Protestant patriarchy (in the US, at least) divides us, by convincing us that every movement for justice must address every single societal ill or else it’s invalid. I see this all the time in my own life. I am a white woman who is also technically Latina (even though I don’t really

Same. Super over the criticisms of BLM that go “well this other issue is also bad so why doesn’t BLM care about that?!” If there’s something else you think needs attention then get your own movement, bro.

coming from a woman who put on a cheerleading costume and got paid for performing at the Super Bowl... those two middle fingers clearly didn't stop you from accepting blood money from the capitalists.

MIA, repeat after me: More than one social cause can matter at a time. More than one social cause can matter at a time. More than one social cause can matter at a time.

I dig them AND the army jacket, but I would wear them with ripped ultra skinny jeans. I can’t entirely disagree with Molly in that they are not working with Kim’s mesh bathing suit deal and probably ARE too high for her frame. Still dig them, tho.

Way harsh, Tai.

OMG! I just realized that I typed guest! I meant ‘guest’ as in I won tickets and attended, not as in being actually interviewed (sometimes I forget English is my second language, until something like this happens). Sorry for getting your hopes up!

Maybe he’s born with it? Maybe it’s Maybelline?

I’m waiting for him to start flat-ironing his hair.

It’s called a video selfie. And chill out. I had this attitude and my sister straight schooled me. Life is indeed more fun when spend less time judging the crap out of other women for petty-ass shit.

i feel like knowing millions of people downloaded your sex tape and that consequently everyone in your family and inner circle became famous and rich off of your naked body would help in that department, so don’t beat yourself up about it!*

Is it weird that of all the Kim outfits, I’m like, eh this one kind of looks not that bad!

I understand your point about wanting to feel like you were hired for your qualifications and not your color, but the disparity that exists in many fields (especially tv and movie production) is so great that we have to admit there is a bias there, and start addressing the issue.

I read this before clicking on the oatmeal enema link. They are spot on. I made it to his talk of Guinea pigs before I rushed back here to say this is awesome, and that I’m sad I wasted one of my 10 free articles at nytimes.com on this.

I still couldn’t finish these, but even in satire they were a fuck ton more interesting.

This response of Colbert’s is essentially saying that PoC are not funny, and so the ONLY reason they would be hired is for “diversity” (tokenism) reasons. He’s a chump.

I like the bit where the news media was asking his mom if she forgave the officer for killing him before he was even fucking buried.