What?!! That’s incredible! I suppose they are definitely customer driven tho! Still fairly surprising given the image of strips clubs, but I guess if the whole place reminded someone of a dirty backroom in a porn store then it would lose the glamour and illusion!
For sure. Thank god for people who keep us from seeing how filthy and disgusting life can be :|
I love that - now I'm imagining them creating a new line of abstract art styles worn by artists, sold for the low low price of $2599.99!
Wow, this is hilarious and horrifying all at once!
Buzzfeed seems to handle delicate issues with surprising nuance and care. They have written quite a lot of longer "research" type articles and they are consistently well done
That’s an excellent point- there are people in need everywhere, really.
The point is that there are far better ways to address environmental issues than on the backs of women. But yeah, sure. It's not like there are actual entire industries causing these problems - it's all women like this lady having too many kids. Fuck off w that shit
Oh, that makes total sense and I don’t know how I missed it
It's in my response, babe. It's called appealing to extremes or absurdity
Exactly, I don’t want to subsidize some shitty channel that no one watches. And Netflix is my everything, along with HBO Go.
But the problem for me is that you are blaming a worldwide problem on this one woman. Or at the very least, on people having children. And there are far more reasons that our environment is in the shape it is, and I’m pretty sure women having kids isn’t the biggest reason.
The OP very clearly is positing a limit on birth rates. So actual legislation on birth rates that currently exists and has resulted in various problems is most certainly relevant and why I brought it up. And it isn't a boogeyman when there have been real detrimental effects due to similar legislation. I'm not saying…