
Yeah this is a point a lot of people somehow seem to miss. They’re intentionally writing these movies so you can get what’s going on without having seen everything else.

I honestly think a lot of it is “Eh, yeah, he kinda sucks, but I’ve hated the Democrats my entire life, and I’m not stopping now.”

Just want to rant into the wind at All the mentions/comments about how ‘exhausting’ a combined universe of characters can be - like, have you people Read comics? How about, I don’t know, Books? Have you watched TV shows that go beyond A season? This stuff isn’t new - and this is the first time it’s been attempted at

I’m late to the party here but I just wanted to say fuck this asshole and fuck all of these ignorant, hate-filled traitors that worship Trump and believe his lies.

I remember thinking when I saw him on Sarah Silverman that he seemed a little too good at playing a square authoritarian figure for someone who works in comedy.

Jay is my name, Insurance is my game. Insurrection was a game I also used to play.

::reads grays::

It’s really fucking bad. Forgive the following infodump:

Still so bummed about this. He was my favorite Mr Show cast member, and I always loved seeing him crop up on shows here and there. MAGA is a helluva drug. 

“Don’t get insurrectioned!”


This is the longest, most committed bit I’ve seen from a comedian since Andy Kaufman. Bravo.

He’ll be gargling mustmayostardayonnaise

He should be accompanied at all times by a Public Safety Engineer wearing an “I’m with an insurrectionist” sandwich board. 

Was he as good on “The Sarah Silverman Project” as he was on “The Sarah Silverman Program?”

Video of the arrest

I ain't afraid of no rolley coaster!

Can't wait for the move about this whole sordid affair. The Story of The Story of The Story of The Insurrection.

If he goes to jail he won’t have to worry about the dangers of the Devastator at Thrill World.

Its amazing, we’re still locking these people up and the guy who incited it is in line to retake the White House.