
You got compensated?? Lucky!

The Geek Squad has saved me a few times. Not it terms of support or repair. No way! I do my own. But everyone has that low-tech-savvy/high maintenance friend (or family member) that is always screwing stuff up. Fix it for them once and you've just become their support lifeline. You get to field all kinds of inane


It would be tacky to go into detail about my lovely wife. Suffice to say, it does exist, and it can be your very best friend in the whole wide world.

Good call, Andrew! In a world filled with auto-tuned, studio-enhanced prefab "bands" it's nice to see some recognition for something more than 5 years old. No dancers, no explosions, no lip synching- just a bunch of cats that can actually play their instruments. Nice!

I think you win for filthiest innuendo. Nicely done!

Well done.

Getting screwed on Craigslist is just like everywhere else. It all depends on who's doing the screwing.

Next up: Why "Dogs Playing Poker" is the best picture of all time.

And remember, everyone, this thing is a secret. Mum's the word, k?

OK, this recession crap isn't funny anymore!

Deal! :)

Population control. Just thinning the herd.

The closest I can relate is plugging in Pong on a small b/w TV. That was good for about a half hour, then I would go outside and play basketball.

Hi Jason. Can you please come over tonight and trim up my nails. I'll be home around 6. Thanks.

Wish I would have been more into computers in the 80's. Just looked like a lot of work for "Hello world" to me. LOL While some kids spent their lunch breaks playing on the PC, I spent mine wandering the halls and hitting on girls. Don't get me wrong, that did have its rewards. :)

Sad. Hope he got the euphoric way out. Also, very glad this happened over water and not a populated area.

That must have been a very exciting time to be working on that stuff! Cutting edge. Who would have thought it would become what we have today.

Loved that opener!

Our (American) culture has it all backwards. The human body is something to be hidden and ashamed of. But a good kill shot? Better put that on youtube!