Brave is a life changer as a browser on mobile devices. Highly recommend.
Brave is a life changer as a browser on mobile devices. Highly recommend.
Fortunately for you, Buxton still can’t help himself swinging at breaking balls in the dirt... The Twins’ success now and in the future hinges on both him and Sano learning to lay off those pitches.
As an Austin resident (and just one person’s opinion) please stay in Columbus. Traffic is shitty enough as it is.
Sounds like my grandpa as well. At church, he never sat next to my grandma and elected to sit in the very last row. That way if the sermon sucked, he could walk out. He also never listened to the people ushering out others in an orderly fashion.
Vikings fan here. Un-fuckin-believable that Sammy Sleeves swindled another team out of $15+ million. Only he could luck into potentially $20 million after missing 15 games with a mysterious knee injury last season.
Coming up on Sports center....
That is fucking disgusting... Granny panties?
She was the one that ordered Domino’s in the first place! But yeah, it was over after excusing myself to destroy her bathroom.
Confirmed. During a “movie” date with someone way out of my league.... One of the worst timed moments in poop history.
Garlic sauce is the only way to trick your taste buds into thinking it’s edible.
Spot on. I remember the Minnesota Twins losing their first 9 games of the 2016 season and it turned into a painful path to 103 losses.
It’s amazing how a person drafts one QB 20 years ago and now he can spend the rest of his life giving shitty sports takes.
Right, that’s just taking a fair-weather approach to football... Nothing wrong with that! I’ve checked out of football over several years when the Vikings have shitty seasons.
He passed up Curry twice! Kahn was the fucking worst.
It’s not as taxing as you may think. I’ve been to a few AAA games where this is already implemented. The pace feels much better than an MLB game!
I’m not a Broncos fan so this could be way off. The defense would look a lot better if they weren’t on the field for 40 minutes a game.
Cleveland’s going to have to offer absurd money to sign anyone. If I were Cousins and Cleveland offered $35 mill a year, compared to Denver offering $20 mill, I’d still sign with Denver.
Folding table sales are going to skyrocket in Buffalo in preparation for next week.
We can only hope one of those 3,500 seats is reserved for the homeless Jaguars fan so she can..... Steal the show.