
Hot Topicman

"Where ever you meet someone who would rather die than lose their freedom, you look 'em in the eye Scott, and if he has pink eye, I'll be there."

Sir ALW was my highlight for Season 1.

I did not know Eric Andre hosted a show. Thank you.

I'd put up The Wire's 5th season against any season of any of those other shows. It's a step down, but I think people forget that a huge chunk of Marlo's story takes place in that season. That alone elevates it to all-time classic stuff.

"So what? So let's dance!"

When he poured the water I just about lost it.

There are just so many amazing quotes in this interview:

He's just waiting for the right picture…

This is clearly the most effective retort. But I always want to respond with "Lighten up, Francis."

"I read somewhere their periods attract sharks. Sharks can smell the menstruation."
"Well, that's just great. You hear that, Ed? Sharks. Now you're putting the whole station in jeopardy."

I get up when I want, except on Wednesdays
When I get rudely awakened by the tornado

I'm not sure whether I like "Unsafe at Any Shark" or "Unshark at Any Speed" better…

"Try not to blow any sharks on the way to the parking lot!"