Boo hoo. Bitch has a job can’t cope.
Boo hoo. Bitch has a job can’t cope.
I am offended we don’t have a deathcamp for Kotaku writers.
Fuck the minority.
Kotaku, always shitting all over everything for nothing people care about.
Kai mai, kill yourself. The world doesn't need another whiny liberal arts douche bag.
Don't you have better things to do? Just die already.
Oh look, here comes the boss backing up shitty bleeding heart garbage.
Fuck you then.
And you are a dipshit.
I hate shitheads like you that think ignoring the law is fine. Fuck illegal immigrants.
Fucking neckbeard Kotaku commentor.
Wow, a black woman that is loud, obscene, and unprofessional. Colour me surprised.
Fuck Islam.
Fuck off, eat glass, die.
Good one, fucking idiot.
In the blue corner the confused, basement dwelling weebs that masterbate all over their waifu pillows.
You are a fucking tard.
While blacks are saying that stuff, white folks are actually making money, building credit, buying houses.
You’re a guy. You aren’t a girl, you’re a dude with pink hair and I think you are pretty pathetic.
I hope most of them get shot! Oh god that will be AWESOME!