They are a good source of slaves though!
They are a good source of slaves though!
Fuck yourself cock gobbler.
Kill em when they arrive and use their bones in the wall.
Fuck you idiot.
You’re a dick sucker. And a bitch.
Fuck you loser.
Dickless loser.
Will buy multiple copies to spite dickless assholes like you.
Laserface is one of the biggest Kotaku losers around.
You’re a shithead.
Hey Laserface, you’re a dickhole. I thought you were dead, but here you are.
Fuck you and fuck titty streamers. Get them off the games and back on the stripper polls.
You know you’re a guy, right?
It’s good enough 34 million idiots jumped on the hype train.
You are a fucking loser dude.
You need to drop dead asshole.
Fuck Anthem. Another shitty multiplayer game for shitty fucking people.
Shut the fuck up Jason
Can you hear reality from way up in Jason’s ass?
Can you do it without plugging your shitty book?