
Look! A shithead!

Hey yeah! Another piece of shit youtuber!

Just ignore the slut doing the stream and let her go back to stripping. Fake tits like that aren’t cheap.

You must smell like you look. A filthy, gross, pile of shit.

Nothing game by nowhere designer. Just another prima donna like Phil Fish. If it wasn’t Japanese you guys wouldn’t give a shit.

Shut the fuck up and go put something else up your ass. Bitch.

Fuck you.

Well said! He really is a piece of shit!

The same human garbage putting his unwanted opinion out there. Eat glass.

This article is embarrassing and unnecessary. Kotaku readers only have waifus.

Ethan, you are human garbage.

You are also a dumb bitch.

These people are shit and so is this article.

You are a trollish piece of ass dropping.

Goddamn you’re a cool piece of shit aren’t you? Fucking neckbeard asshole.

I want to see gender fluid people beaten after reading this guy. And gender determined. And gays. And heteros.And humanity.

Fuck gender fluid people and fuck you.

Oh my god! SHUT THE FUCK UP! Eat glass you fucking idiot. People like you make me want to see those types of people walked on. Fucking eat glass.

Wow, you really are a sad piece of shit.

Building a pc is easy. God, you really are the pathetic, smarmy idiot, I know you to be.