
Are you still banging sleazy attention whore game designers wannabes?

Critics say: Mediocre episode! Gita, please fuck yourself and consider a long walk in Japan’s suicide woods.

Give up on life! Please! Ignore the suicide warning.

Thanks Metal Gear themed named commentor. We can safely disregard every word you said! Go back to jacking off on your waifu body pillow please.

Otakus are some of the saddest shitsacks on Earth. I really think some time in the suicide forest would be better for them and society.

Stick to your name. Comment less. Also, breath less.

Agreed. Look how these vapid wastes of sperm defend them too! Triggered much shit dumplings?

Socially aware people wouldn’t use the name Caligula.

When people like you learn to stop looking both ways crossing the street.

What isn’t? Suicide disclaimers aren’t needed. The gene pool needs bleach. Just look at half tje writers on here, they should have been aborted.

Arnhein perfectly represents the brainless, spineless, jellyfish reader that Kotaku loves.

Life has failed you. Consider exiting it.

Defend Kotaku to the death brave Sir Neckbeard!

Blah blah.

You fucking suck. Kotaku is a shit site.

No Kotaku editors. I don’t see any men dressed as women and gross neckbeards.

Then I’ll say it pussy. It’s a long con or will end in one.

Shit Kotaku writers quote all kinds of jackoffs. Hell, they even brought up Chris Chan once.

He’s a cumstain.

Asshole articles like this are going to lure in a crowd of quick buck wanting assholes who will make every fucking card overpriced and make the game more expensive then it needs to be. Thanks.