
Well, you and your article are pretty stupid.

Cause blacks desire shiny things more then pride.

Yes. Black people never have credit. Or a country they run that isn’t a shithole.

A place I worked at required credit checks. We always dreaded black people calling because it was a guaranteed no sell. 9/10 blacks don’t have even basic, slightly decent credit.

You don’t even know how to build a pc. You really are a sad, fucking idiot.

Lol! What? The giant pussy that looks about ten? You sir, are a sad bitch.

My regret is still having to come to this shit site for gaming news. Except you Patricia, I love your articles.

Oh great, a shitty tranny brings looks hard for a soapbox to stand on. Fuck off dude.

You suck Gita. Quit writing.

It’s almost like nobody likes blacks!

Shut up bitch.

Koreans hate blacks. How abour you guys move to one of the many fantastic nations built and run by black people. Nations like... .... ..... Well...

You really are one horribly ugly bitch. You look like a long turd in a second rate weave.

What? Does Gwent not somehow represent rascism or sexism? Ethan, if you are ever crossing the street in front of me...

How’s Zoe? Also, how’s your ethics?

Jason you are such a loser. You seem like the kind of guy that I would want to punch just for looking like you do.

You are a guy. Not a woman. You are however the ugliest girl I have ever seen. Are you even trying? Spastic, pathetic, fucking loser.

Does anybody realize this is a guy? He is the worst tranny I have ever seen.

Why aren’t you telling everybody to go outside or listen to hiphop? Stupid bitch.

You suck and this article have me cancer.