Fuck this bitch and fuck those that support her.
Fuck this bitch and fuck those that support her.
I can see your lazy ass in the wellfare line.
Just like you got confused in life? Huh sweetie?
Only to a giant vag.
And you are kind of a pointless douche.
How does it feel to be old and so sad you have to play comment police all the time?
His point is sexism is bad, you really are a shithead aren’t you?
A handful of weebs on Kotaku do not quiet count as the whole internet.
I don’t know, I think it’s sad how divisive humans are. If we took away politics, religion, ideologies, we would kill each other over Nintendo vs Sony, or Marvel vs DC.
The dumpster fire keeps burning.
Yeah, it’s wierd.
Thanks Kai Mai, you bite EVERY time.
It’s funny, I make coherent introspective comments on here: never get out of the greys.
Like something not shit out of a rascist, sexist, xenophobic country.
You venerate Ashcroft, your thoughts are irrelevant.
I remember playing the early version of this game. It was called Super Mario 64 and it was a long time ago.
Oh yay, another no doubt first person shooter except watered down for kids and filled with ridiculous Japanese crap.
Same crap, new Nintendo system.
I lost interest in Mario and Metroid years ago. I just don’t feel the love for any Nintendo franchises anymore...