Should be $5 off or $45. not $5.
Should be $5 off or $45. not $5.
Should be $5 off or $45. not $5.
Should be $5 off or $45. not $5.
I picked up Risk of Rain 2 from the Steam sale and holy fuck. I played for, like, four hours yesterday. It’s so much fucking fun. Maybe I’ll grab it for Switch, too, so I can always take it with me.
Go get that shit, if you haven’t already.
The loss of Ninja and failure of Mixer alone is proof of that.
*picks up Shawzin and plucks one note*
Honestly, this sounds like an incredible time for people who a) are Korn fans, b) play the game, and especially c) both. This sorta reminds me of when Korn were the special guests on a Halloween ep of South Park and unveiled a new song at the end. When the song came on, I did feel immediate joy, much like the fans of…
Gengar and Mimikyu on one card? Either it’s a sign of the apocalypse, or it’s the Pokémon Trading Card Game Sun & Moon Tag Team expansion. Announced at the 2018 World Championships and launching February 1, the expansion features high risk, high reward Tag Team cards, which also serve as shipping fodder.
Let’s rewind the clock to about 1980 or so. Reagan picks up the baton of an anti-government platform from Barry Goldwater, after Goldwater’s acolytes effectively assumed control of the GOP. What followed was a systematic expungement of anyone and everyone that didn’t toe the party line, ultimately leading to the…
At DragonCon earlier this year, there were enough Fallout cosplayers around for photographer So Say We All to run a…
I can remember staring at my Dreamcast on many occasions and struggling to decide whether I wanted to make progress on Grandia 2 or Skies of Arcadia. Best “tough” decision that I’ve ever been faced with.
She must be the daughter of Rex Kramer, Danger Seeker
If I could use photoshop, I would ‘shop Viewtiful Joe or Skies of Arcadia onto a Switch. Not to be clever, obviously, just to make a point.
Man, I would love if they had made an arcade pad loaded with games, but I guess this is more appealing to collectors.
Check out this cool replica Warframe gun someone made using 3D printing. But not just any Warframe gun: the quickfire Aklex Prime pistol, otherwise known as the White Ranger in firearm form. You can see more pictures of it, as well as how it was modeled, printed, and painted, here.
A miniatures board game based on Hellboy—the comic, mercifully, not the movies—has launched on Kickstarter, and is…
The most recent episode of the bizarre, horny anime Darling in the Franxx has left the fandom in upheaval. The…
After a week of cult fighting, we’ve got a slower, more contemplative week of new games coming down the pipe.
Damn, I would have killed to have so many girls interested in mainstream gaming when I was in high school. All these boys are lacking vision: a shared interest is an unbeatable icebreaker. Dumbasses.
Why yes it is. You run around a jungle with giant man sized swords fighting helicopters. If you are lucky the super rare “Air Wolf” might even show up
Preface: I’m going to be getting into the state of mental health care and awareness in the US in this post; no part of what I say below is intended to remove blame from Mr. Giles, or to say that he is somehow innocent. I’m focusing on a larger concern that is illustrated by this article, rather than trying to address…