
I’m sure Hillsong also prevent other “sinners” from a leadership role too, though. Like if someone was divorced or eats shellfish or took the lord’s name in vain. It’s a church with no leaders.

We don’t hate gay people. We just don’t think they’re entitled to the same rights and treatment as straight couples! No hate there!

“We luv you and Jezeus luvs you, too! It’s too bad you have to burn in a molten pit of Hell for all eternity. If only you would know...stop it. Ah well... have a blessed day, hun!”

So he doesn’t go to an anti-gay church, he just goes to a “hate the sin, love the sinner” type church when it comes to the gays? They don’t hate gays, they accept them and forgive them?

But was Victor Kiriakis there?

Seriously.  Is there a patriarchal religion where this DOESN’T happen?  I mean, if your faith is based on the premise of women being inherently inferior.....this is going to happen. 

File under one big, all caps, across the board: NO. SHIT.

It’s amazing to me that adults are often treated with less agency than kids.

I’m so glad you’re stanning Megan Mullally! She is a phenomenally unique and talented actress/comedian/singer who understandably became overshadowed by the outrageous character of Karen Walker. I don’t know if it’s a conscious effort but lately it appears that the real Megan is coming more and more into focus.

Are you really unaware of how much violence women suffer at the hands of men? I mean, its ok to be outraged by this but the target of your outrage should not be the “people that cannot take care of themselves” it should be the men who make this necessary. 

Did you accidentally click on this article instead of the incel page?

Hey bruh, how’s incel working out for you?

Decent human being here. I’d be happy to escort you to your car, but how are you to know who I am. I like the bartender idea, although perhaps the bouncer might escort you to your car!

Hi, I’m earth have we met?

Guys can go from mildly creepy to violent pretty quickly. Fear of this kind of reaction when trying to leave a bad date isn’t unfounded. Yes, all women need to learn how to deal with f*cked up men, it’s a fact of life, but there’s a learning curve and it’s a dangerous f*cking game. I suggest you not be such a

I’m vegetarian (plus fish) too, but I find I get more than enough protein bc I eat a lot of beans, whole grains, nuts and seeds, hard cheeses, tofu, sprouts, eggs, yogurt, and fish, all of which are packed with protein. I find it pretty impossible to get enough calories and not enough protein- people are more often

I am not lactose intolerant, but soy milk is delicious. Almond milk is some kind of milk-like tasteless thing, and I say this as someone who loves almonds.

as a dairy-farming lady; i would like to invite you over to the land of diary goat milk. goaties are cuter and cleaner with milk that is easier to digest!

I also think almond milk can fuck right off. It tastes fine, but it provides a small fraction of the nutritional benefits of either dairy or soy milk, and in my opinion it’s a very wasteful way to use a very water-intensive crop. I was so pumped for it too since I’m lactose-intolerant but soy and I are still bff.