
You’re the kind of poly person who makes all the other poly people look bad. Like the atheist who can’t help but sneer condescendingly at people of faith.

Too busy getting shot at I suppose.

Okay but based on the graph

If not, he can be in mine.

No, No, No! I have a better idea. How about Americans put up a stink about how long the god damn election cycle is. I’m a Canadian and have to suffer the pain of our news sources reporting on this 24/7.

Every now and then, I toss my cat a bird. Just to teach birds what the world is like.

Who the FUCK names their daughter Lolita? That’s hugely disturbing.

Literally every source I see on this story talks about how the speechwriter was a ‘former ballerina’ as if that has some relevance. It’s really weird. She’s been ghost-writing Trump books for over a decade according to her brief Wikipedia page... which doesn’t even mention ballet. I mean do we call Harrison Ford a

Black Swan though.

The point is, Mac and Cheese is best when eaten hot. This was not the time to interrupt, gush or expect chit-chat. Yes, Fred. Walk away in shame. You had that coming.

Add diced tomato, chopped green onion, taco seasoning, and a dollop of sour cream. TAC O CHEESE

Add Smoked Paprika. SMOKY MAC N CHEESE

yak milk is what happens when you’re lactose intolerant.

I was really hoping the “Fred” in the story was Fred Durst.

Now playing

Conan has a good one, too. Apparently Prince was a Grade-A troll.

Wow!! What a wonderful woman to have in your family. That’s incredible.

Aunt R was a brilliant woman who became a Supreme Court justice for our tribe. She knew the law.

Oddly, I have never noticed Matt Damon’s veneers. But Ben Affleck’s have always been SO distracting to me!

This is still my favorite: