
They’re married!

For me this bit never gets old....hangs head in shame.

Because it’s a great gag!

Until something bad happens. Then it’s “Why didn’t you DO something?!?!”

Yup. Woman are always made to feel like they are overreacting if they find a man creepy. We’re supposed to be understanding of gross behavior and write it off as “social awkwardness.” Fuck that noise. Trust your gut ladies.

Grimmie’s brother tackled the assailant, who CNN reports was carrying two firearms. The perpetrator then shot himself in the ensuing scuffle.

If only more parents were having that conversation with their sons.

Fun living in a country flooded with guns because insecure boys like deadly toys.

I love this place. I’ve been here for years and I intend to be here no matter what happens. This whole thing just makes me ill. I feel legitimately nauseous.

As if those children were ever going to vote.

I respect Sanders for his spirited and righteous campaign, and the accompanying infusion of new voters, progressive convictions and energy into the party, and I respect the President and Warren (our most credible and bad-ass representative) for wisely giving him the space to do this. Now, it’s on; all the rational and

“[Trump is a] loud, nasty, thin-skinned fraud who has never risked anything for anyone and who serves no one but himself,” she told the audience.

I know this is probably the wrong thing to take from your comment, but I think it’s super sweet and awesome that your daughter has been raised to disbelieve you when you say there have been no female presidents. Like, it is so incredulous to her, so removed from her reality.

I love how even children know it’s fucked up we’ve only had white dudes.


You can also look at it as men not giving a shit about women until they have their own flesh and blood walking around in female form as daughters. Sort of like how men always have to relate discussions of women’s issues back to their sisters, mothers, daughters, wives, etc. because they can’t see women as human beings

My daughter is almost 9 and she legit thinks that women are not allowed to be president because that must be why we haven’t had one by now. I’m going to let her stay up late tonight and watch.

She also once asked me who the first black president was. I said, Barack Obama, and she said “I know he is one of them, but


“It’s predominantly women and girls, but not exclusively—men bring their daughters to meet me and say that they are supporting me because of their daughters.”

What, if any, impact will this have on Johnny Depp? I mean - just look at Bill Murray.