
Oh God, so, SO missed.

He held the door better than anyone could've. Rest in peace gentle giant....

Even Jez on it’s worst day is still so much better than xoJane on it’s best, in my opinion.

OMG, Lindy, Dodai, Mark, Cassie... siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh...

don’t forget about the sandwiches!

Yeah, but men are MASTER CHEFS. Women are just good at making a weeknight meal at home.

I think it's also important to point out that linking violent crimes to mental illness further stigmatizes the mentally ill. Not to say that mentally ill people don't commit acts of violence, but they are much more likely to be victimized or hurt themselves.

Actually I think almost every time a white guy kills people, everyone says it’s because he’s mentally ill, sooooo...

What? After every single mass shooting in the last decade the first thing people say is “must be insane”. That is the result of the gun nuts always looking to blame away the tragedy. Now you mention the comments on Jezebel, and while, at times the are presumptive, that is the natural reaction to centuries of men

Diane Downs was definitely branded an evil bitch for what she did to her children (and rightly so, too). Susan Smith’s mental health was pretty fragile due to childhood molestation by a stepfather (and her own dad killing himself) but she was vilified and still thrown in the klink. It really wasn’t until Yates that we

You’re wrong. It’s not that people don’t recognize that family annihilators (mostly men) are mentally ill. It’s that we don’t feel they, in their illness, are sympathetic. Because their attitude towards their families disgusts us. Family annihilators are, by definition, people who see their family as extensions or

No, they’re asking “what about the men”.

I think what you’re seeing is pushback against all killers being called “mentally ill”, especially if they’re white and male, and then mixing it with the idea of “not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect” ie “pleading insanity”. The latter has to do with criminal responsibility - roughly “ a defendant should

that was just a correction to your reply to a different comment. PPD and postpartum psychosis are quite different.

she had postpartum psychosis, not postpartum depression

It’s worth noting that you can be crazy and still have to pay for your crimes. In some places the insanity plea requires that you basically are unable to distinguish fantasy from reality. You can have a lot of mental health issues and still be able to tell what is real and what isn’t.

THIS! People don’t believe that mental health is a health care issue. Plus, this strikes most often between weeks one-four postpartum, and most women aren’t seen by their doctors again until week six. That makes it harder to get help too (assuming you even HAVE the means to get this care). It sounds like she was also

The comments on the article are ridiculous. No one in their right mind kills their children then tries to commit suicide. The contention that she planned it to get back at the children’s father is ludicrous.

The judge in Bamenga’s case, however, is convinced of the postpartum psychosis diagnosis. He noted that he received letters from 18 psychiatrists on the illness as well as numerous testimonies to Bamenga’s character.