
People forget that he really was a guitar virtuoso on par with Hendrix, SRV, King (both of them), Clapton and Johnson.

Honestly, I can’t think of another guitar player who I could listen to solo for forever. Most of ‘em run out of ideas or milk a run way too long, but Prince? Not only did he have better melodic ideas than most, he knew exactly how fucking long to go on before it got boring. (And given his talent, that’s about 2-5

The women where hired by men, to pander to men, to get those men to a booth run by men to sell a product made by men for men, but lets blame the women for it.

I insulted him to his face at a concert. Really small venue event for charity. You were never more than three people away from the stage. The show started two hours late and after standing outside in stilettos waiting to get in the venue, I was not in the mood. I was standing dead center in front of the stage, being

I was privileged to have seen him live, at Coachella in 2008. He brought out The Time and Sheila E and I thought I had entered nirvana. Then he launched into Radiohead’s “Creep” and I just stood there, mouth wide open, doing that laugh/cry thing you get to do only a few times in your life. If the world had ended at

NYE 1999 belonged to him.

Daughters. Educating fathers that women are actually human beings since the dawn of time.

It's weird. I mean, what's so bad about antibiotics?

This is absolutely amazing. Honestly, a great work, I really found it fascinating. Love this line, which made me almost spit out water from laughing:

Swimming! My God, it must be incredible.

He was convicted of first-degree rape in 1987, as well as kidnapping and sodomy charges, and was sentenced to 25 years. An appeal brought that down to 15, and Reece ended up serving nine. He was released in 1996, and came to Texas the same year.

I’m so glad someone stood up for you, but OF FUCKING COURSE your boss didn’t believe it until a dude confirmed it independently for him.

No, Rose, the milkman. The milkman was very cold because he was back in the cooler getting the milk and he was calculating because he had to add up what each customer owed him.

That’s a knee slapper. Or in the case of a 75-80 woman, a boob slapper.

That was low hanging crotch fruit.

Dudes usually have to be around 75-80 before they get to the tripping balls state.

Lookit dat face! Who’s a cute fuzzy? Who?

^ S/he’s very offended.