
You are trying to find a reason for this horrible thing that happened to your child. Someone or something to blame. But the science does not support your belief that vaccines caused autism. I’m very sorry for you, but sometimes terrible things just happen.

As someone whose been involved in this for 18 years — you don't know anything....

As the mother of a child diagnosed with autism I support you and your bravery for posting this here. Vaccines are not magically free from harm. A certain percentage of people react badly to them. Were they properly tested? As the vaccine schedule was ramped up, were kids getting too much mercury (a preservative) in

Wakefield did NOT start the movement, how ridiculous. Wakefield basically set the movement back. This movement has been going on as long as parents watched their kids die or change irrevocably after being vaccinated. Sure the reactions are rare, but they are listed on the vaccine inserts themselves as possible side

*please pull through*


My point was - she's a scientologist. She's not in a good place. They're all batshit insane.

This is also pretty much entirely the point.

That’s not a double standard, unless people that are against catcalling are fine with it when women do it. When have you ever heard people standing up for the [largely imaginary] women that catcall? This is what’s known in the biz as a “strawman argument.”

Yeah, that’s pretty much the entire fucking point.

[T]he supposed anal tear was so minor that Mr. Goguen was unawareof it until Ms. Baptiste emailed him after the fact gushing about how wonderful the night was andnoting that she was scheduled to have a “small surgery” that was “not a big deal.”

I kept track till I hit my mid-20s...then I just didn’t care anymore

I think that is up to the person and the person alone. I’ve read of some people whose first experience was unfortunately with their rapist, and they prefer to say they are still virgins, that their rape had nothing to do with their ‘first time’.

Also what are we counting as “sex” for the purpose of “sexual partner?” That guy I dry-humped with once in first year definitely had fluids on his shirt, but if it’s not p-in-v, does it not count? What about all my partners who don’t have a p to put in the v (unless the ‘p’ stands for ‘plastic phallus’ or ‘phalanges.’)

This would be quite effective were it not for the fact that “women: you have to treat them like sh*t” is the subtext for the entire Republican party.

Because women come with a used up count, as well as a use by date. How else is a man supposed to know whether his girlfriend is worth wiving?

I honestly can’t remember and believe me it’s not cause I can’t count that high. Who even keeps track?

It’s amazing that “how many you’ve slept with” is still a topic among folks. Why does it fucking matter?

Everyone does. She's one of those rare people that are impossible to dislike, like Dolly Parton, all the Golden Girls, Richard Simmons (I hope he's ok), Ian McKellan and a few others

There are cases where these cops fathered kids with these women. And even helped raise them for a couple of years and then just ghosted when their assignment was over.