
I want to quickly point out that of course of this woman’s actions were irresponsible and irrational—that’s the nature of phobia, an irrational fear that is debilitating. I have nearly done this for another reason (not spiders) and it’s horrifying. I’ve been locked in rooms by my phobia. Locked out of my house for

Janney and Joncas are one hot couple

Congratulations, Allison Janney

And yes, you can be a very serious and substantial woman and also allow the planets to rule your soul!

Someone needs to invent therapeutic “tanning” beds that don’t emit any sort of UV light but do light up and get warm that you can just lay in to relax. I haven’t tanned since I was a teen and will never do it again but it was a very, very relaxing experience.

I have had adult acne FOREVER and finally broke down and saw a dermatologist last year. Why I didn’t do it years ago I will never know (I was poor. That’s why.). She took one look at me, gave me a crap ton of samples of products, and my face was clear in 2 weeks. It hasn’t been clear in at least a decade. I still get

Oh no girl! So sorry to hear you’re having a tough time! If I cry within three hours of going to bed I wake up with enormous eyelids, and I cry all the time for basically no reason, so I’m pretty much an expert at this.
1. Lean your head wayyyyy back so your eyes are almost closed as you look in the mirror, place the

I really like Mabelline Stilleto liquid liner. Super cheap and has a nice fine point. Sometimes I wet a skinny tip brush, dab in dark brown or black shadow to do the initial line and then go over once with liquid liner. That makes the line smoother and more perfect :)

My freshman year of college (about 4 years ago,) I smoked and got high for the first time, resulting in a horrific panic attack where anxiety induced physical symptoms led me to believe I was dying.

I got my nose broken during sex.

Your mother-in-law is a legend.
Also, is it just me, that I’d much rather someone think I’m having shower sex with my husband than think he’s pooping a foot away from me while I’m in the shower?

Oh god it’s the WORST. I understand that being a prescriptive grammarian is inherently classist, but COME ON. That is my number one eyetwitch pronunciation. A friend chronically pronounced it that way- SHE WAS A BARISTA.

I am SO SAD for your sexy shower disaster, but absolutely delighted by your mother-in-law. What a lady.

expresso tequila

My wife was feeling horny once while we were on a long driving trip. I believe we were going through Nebraska at the time. She was in the passenger seat, but unbuckled herself and slid over to my lap. (Yes in hindsight this wasn’t a good idea). Youth and stupidity, blah, blah, blah. Anyway, she was trying to be sexy

“we cannot allow items on campus that can be perceived to pose a threat.”

Scene- My bedroom, 2 AM, after a bottle and a half of wine.
Players (In a theatre sense, not like, a gross way to say ‘lovers’ or whatever)- My husband and also my me.

We were young, early 20’s, shitty on wine, having laugh sex, where we sort of clumsily bounced around the bedroom, laughing and not totally putting all

I loled too, which apparently hurt because laughing makes buttholes clench. It was a very shortsighted endeavour on the testicle owners part.

My husband and I had just finished dinner, which he cooked because he's a professional chef and I haven't cooked a meal in two years. Anyway, we start to get frisky, are naked and fooling around. I start noticing this burning feeling in my nether regions, but it's not too bad, so we keep going. But then it just keeps