Milo izagoodboy, sorry for your loss. Your dad gets extra points for being handsome and a cat lover. :)
Milo izagoodboy, sorry for your loss. Your dad gets extra points for being handsome and a cat lover. :)
Lol he looks very Nick Offerman.:)
Lol I love it!
That is one adorably trashed, happy daddy. Look how much he loves you, what a sweet pic:)
It's telling when they show up and want a relationship after you're "free" from child support, isn't it? I got that too, but I also got a good mom like you, so we've got that going for us.;)
Ignore the troll, he's all over this thread. Your dad looks extremely cool, I bet he's gotten cooler with age. :)
I can see a definite facial resemblance. I bet he was funny, he looks like it.:)
They look incredibly sweet, and she is stunning. He looks warm and kind.:)
Coincidentally, I'm on day three of recovering from a tonsillectomy/turbinectomy. I'm absolutely petrified of getting the packing removed Monday. Who knows what nastiness is lurking in my face right now?! Incidentally, did your packing removal hurt? I'm scared to death.
Is your name a reference to Dr. Kirby from Nora Roberts's Sanctuary? I want it to be so.
I think we all want the same thing, we just get hung up on the terminology. I found this article informative.
I think this is absolutely lovely, perfect , and healing. It addresses and honors the elephant in the room, and will remove a weight from both their hearts.
I just wanted to check on you, hunnie. I hope you awoke with some sunshine. Please be on Saturday Night Social with us. You're wonderful and loved.
I have two in my home. Once you use one, you'll never ever go back.
During the grueling wait for the final Harry Potter book, my husband found a leaked version online (the news said it had been leaked, so we believed it.) It was soooo good! Much more romantic than the real one; at the end Ginny, Harry, Ron & Hermione go on vacation on an island with a little cottage. Virginity is…
I love Mark Sundays anyway, but the inspirational idea of plowing through a big bag of warm croissants by the pool was the cherry on top of your lovely body-positive ice cream article;)
Your name threw me into giggle fits.:)
Ladies, I shall now retire to my bunk.
After her incarceration, her husband promptly found another pliable catholic girl and began impregnating her posthaste. Brainwashed minds are nearly impossible to change. People cling to whatever gives them a dopamine release, even when it's toxic behavior.
Andrea Yates had postpartum psychosis, not depression. It caused her to hallucinate that her children were possessed by satan and they were suffering and needed "rescuing". She was diagnosed before her last two babies were born. he doctor told her husband that having more children would be devastating to her psyche,…