
My mom and I unbashly love the first two Mummy series. Then I heard the third one and the Scorpion series isn't so good and my mom really wanted to watch the third one but I warned her it's gonna suck but she didn't listen. She finally watched it and said it sucked. She thought the Scorpion King movie was good though.

We needed more sexy Pinocchio instead of sexy Captain Hook because I don't see the appeal in Hook.

They also don't go as much pop culture sites like I do to know about this show since I wasn't even born when it first started airing.

We sell Twin Peaks stuff at my store and so far only a handful people bought merchandise because most of them don't know what it is.

5. Did not think he would make it to top 5. But he was one of the highlights of OUAT except the storyline where his character turns back into a child (since he was Pinocchio) and lost all of his adult memories for plot reasons then turned back into an adult man because of deus ex machina of magic then disappeared.

3. I am in a dilemma he is coming to a Star Trek con in my city but I am not into Star Trek so should I buy the tix just to see him…

Randomness did you hear us calling for you to talk about the casting of Kevin Can Wait?

The sad Jon Snow dinner party.

Seth Meyers does the best GoT skits.

I liked the Jermaine Clemant's rom com People Places Things with Regina Hall.

Listen I got better things to watch than that!

I was also hoping he would be on yesterday's What's On Tonight to talk about it!

Eh but there wasn't any character developing on the supporting cast for such long episodes.

Yes! So adorable!

I am totally cackling right now since I'm on his twitter and he said that Mad Sweeney's anal sex speech was born from a conversation with Scott Thompson.

Sherlock had like 14 episodes the showrunners managed to run it to the ground by the third season.

I kept thinking during the rain of bullets that people are gonna die from the bullets but everyone seemed ok.

I keep thinking he's gonna find out and have John go after Dev.

Tom and Damon loves to objectify Justin and I am all for it.