
6 & 18 Wait so Penguin and Alfred share the same birthday???
And Robin Lord Taylor makes the Oswald complex and interesting and is one of the good parts on Gotham (of course Sean plays an excellent Alfred and his relationship with Bruce is also a highlight).

His hair is natually blonde and he dyes it just black for Gotham. I saw his blonde hair on a Person of Interest and Law and Order SVU episode.

It is such a replacement let down.

This article about the longest running joke is hilarious and Tom giggling about it in the article makes me cackle.…

Also based on imdb she got some movies in pre production and filming and completed that Netflix David Ayer film but I do always thought she would have a bigger career.

Went to Clusterfest . Went to a live podcast of HDTGM. I was lucky that I managed to get a seat. A lot of people was just standing for the entire episode. Jason, Abbi and Llana thought they were being punished by Paul by watching Ninja Terminator because the movie made no sense at all. There was also a robot and June

Same. Get that CBS money.

The Iron Man also bugs me because they are promoting him way too much and he probably has like 5 minutes of screen time I hope. -whispers- But Sony kinda sucks at movies.

I mean he seems like a good Spider Man fit but I just don't care for another Spider Man movie. There's been 5 and I want a different comic book movie.

Ah I do too but if it's just a small group of people I'm going to snipe at them.

1. A couple of days ago one of my bosses were talking about the new Spider man movie and how she feels eh about it because she thought the lead was too young or something. I was like he's like only one year older than you and she's like what he looks 16. And I can't believe the only reasons they had the Uncharted

I wouldn't be as nice as you were just trying to move away from them.

He's a straight white guy. I'm not surprised he's falling upwards.

Yes that too.

-whispers- I'm still waiting on a Pushing Daisies movie or miniseries or comic book.

Yes thank you!

Either TJ Miller wanted more screentime/money and they decided to write him out or he was being difficult on set or another reason but it does explain why he hasn't been promoting the show compared to the rest of the cast. He went on Conan recently to promote the emoji movie.

The last episode is called The Book of Nora…

I keep thinking about Big Love when the song played this episode because it was the show's theme song.