
I hereby request this apparent snake-fucking footage please.

Dr. Ray Stantz disagrees!

That GIF is the reaction I had to watching the GIF in the first place.

Once I found it, it was so obvious I can’t believe I didn’t see it right off.

The difference is the killers of those police officers will be convicted.

The “I just don’t like it because it looks bad” excuse is completely valid when the movie actually does look bad.

The overwhelming levels of vitriol this movie has received does seem to be pushed over the top by people coming from a sexist position, but there are plenty of people who haven’t been ranting against it who

Accused of cheating? That's the highest form of compliment! I treat every hate msg on psn and xbl as a trophy.

a third? as in............third episode? in a series? half a... life?

Im pretty excited, but I’m prepared to be in the minority;)

Asus not well-known for their build quality? Out of all the different laptops amongst colleagues and friends (including a number Macbooks and Thinkpads), the most solidly built ones are from Asus.

My nephew tried this, but apparently a hero who controls butts is not within the scope of their “artistic design”.

OMG when Walda and the wee baby Bolton ate all those dogs!!! Definitely did not see that coming.

If the Vikings are able to field an ACTUAL Viking, the Bears should be able to field an actual Bear.

Jose Fernandez continues to be one of the most delightful baseball players in the game right now.

Goose Gossage: “In my day we kept the japs in internment camps and the Cubans on their commie island where they can all lollygag around, smiling and pretend to play real baseball. We throw good old fashion fastballs here in america. None of this fruity off speed stuff. And if you think otherwise or you’re a minority

I don’t think anything will ever be as bad as Diablo II and its SoJ-based economy.

Thinking differently from others is fine, but when you voice those thoughts in an insulting fashion while acting in a professional capacity as a company representative, things get a little dicey.

Right, zoos are just the main groups actively involved in animal conservation. But what do you really care about that? Oh right, you don’t care.