
skumbags like skumbags. Go figure?

It’s almost like she doesn’t understand what social media is?

I mean, its pretty good. I only started watching because im originally from Delco, but it’s a great show.

Dan Aykroid has hosted SNL, so Elon definitely isn’t the first.

I just can’t get into it. Couldn’t even finish the first episode, it’s really bad.

Delco represent!

Neat, I see her on Tiktok all the time and had no idea she was an Olympian, a model, nor that she had done this cosplay.

This guy is dumb, unless there’s like hurricane force wind, the wind isn’t effecting the wipers, even then, probably not at all. However when the blades freeze to the windshield, it does tend to fray and warp the rubber causing you to need to replace them sooner and makes them work less effectively.

We are living in a simulation, because that is Fred Flinstone.

Tweet does not exist

Both are very liberal doctors in the know who are looking out for my best interests when I said I would get the vaccine asap. I trust them with my life.

I’ve had people in the medical field tell me to avoid the vaccine if possible for at least the first five years. They said the side effects are often far far worse than getting covid. I was all for the vaccine, until they told me this.

I’m not discouraging anyone from wearing masks, I’m saying those that don’t should die, because they willfully risk the lives of others. They are why the pandemic is so bad here, so they should be put to death. The world would be a better place, addition by subtraction.

People that can’t take a simple step to save lives don’t deserve life themselves.

I mean it’s simple logic, the other person to reply did a fine job explaining. There are absurd amounts of things online showing and explaining why, but it’s literally common knowledge.

I say lets show her what harassment actually is.

Who started the misinformation that masks protected the wearer?


Theres even a Ted Talks about it and the level of detail that went into it...

*Bigoted white people