
You’re all pigs

0 stars for you

That’s Sasha Banks, possibly playing Sabine?

Maybe she identifies as a robot?

My body is ready

Deadwood... no idea what Justified is.

Because, one can only assume he will be doing mostly voice stuff since you don’t need the actor to be in Madalorian armor, just how Pedro Pascal wasn’t the physical actor for most of season 1.

Theres even a Ted Talks about it and the level of detail that went into it...

I vote we rename it the Sherbert Kingfisher

*Bigoted white people

Khurangbin is one of the best bands out there right now. They met at the church Beyonce went to growing up, where they were all also attendees and friends, the drummer is the organist at the church. Dope band.

Jon Brion is the greatest living musician.

Likely erected during the second resurgence of the Cult of the Lost Cause. We are seeing the third resurgence now... It’s unsettling.

When a black person is murdered, racist white people try point out bad things about them.

Killed her husband


I prefer Ethan’s brother, Mike.

So, I forgot about the King of Kong for a second, and have been listening to a lot of Nick Cave, and thought that was him at first.

Calling it now, best SW film since Empire.

I mean, I’d rather just have more Battle Royale films. Maybe that’s just me though.