Yep, he is not a gentleman, but she is in the wrong.
Yep, he is not a gentleman, but she is in the wrong.
Same difference.
Kid beats guy, guy talks shit. Kid beats him again, and kid gets in his face and gives him the business. Dude deserved a giant 16 year old in his face.
Nope. Definitely not tearing up watching this...
This is dumb. People are dumb. Basketball is mostly dumb.
I couldn’t agree more. I feel like the girl was more in the wrong than he actually was. I mean if you actually read the accounts of what happened.
Different city, different circumstances. My body will never be the same, but after a week in the hospital and a year of recovery, I lived.
Kevin Durant is out for like a year, he tore his achilles, who cares where he goes if he isn’t going to be playing?
Wow, thanks for pointing this out. My memory of this stuff was buried deep.
It makes my straight heart happy af too!!
Really they were just trying to save his life. Don’t eat that shit.
How will this effect the wine industry though?
I mean, its Egypt, duh.
Glad to see Jomboy getting some love, his videos are great.
...But, yes.
Great read. I think you found your calling after football.
Cardinal’s beaks are orange, not red.
I’d vote for the entire Lunar series or Suikoden...
I hope they don’t cast Heard, or I’m going to have to boycott it, which is a bummer, but whatever.