
Kevin Durant is out for like a year, he tore his achilles, who cares where he goes if he isn’t going to be playing?

It makes my straight heart happy af too!!

Really they were just trying to save his life. Don’t eat that shit.

I mean, its Egypt, duh.

Glad to see Jomboy getting some love, his videos are great.

...But, yes.


Great read. I think you found your calling after football. 

Cardinal’s beaks are orange, not red.

I’d vote for the entire Lunar series or Suikoden...

If it was his choice, and what he really wanted, then I respect his decision.

Really love this show. Aside from the gimmick, the questions they come up with are some of the best of any interview show I’ve seen.

I love her so much!

Everyone has their own unique tastes. This lady is an 11.

This is the best interview I’ve read in a really long time, kudos!

Milla Jovovich was once the most beautiful person alive, but as the one person said, this girl is so attractive it’s actually kinda distracting.

Now we know why he casts the way he does.

Right?! When I saw the first trailer a while back, I was like, “Woah, that is possibly the most attractive person I’ve ever seen.”

Did I miss it, or was there actually no mention of Odubel Herrera?

The biggest difference is likely that I’ve not even heard anything about this game, and I’m a tremendous dork, but everyone was pumped af leading up to Pokemon Go.