
They should give ‘ol Chase Utley a call

This tweet is also inferring that Aaron Rodgers and Kirk Cousins are related, have sex, and are contemplating marriage...

You loved it, the AV club guy didn’t...

I’m a literal internet troll, and I’ve seen no sexist backlash about this movie ANYWHERE.

This lack luster review was written by a dude, and the i09 one was written by a lady.

Bernie would be our president right now, if it weren’t for shitty white women.


The way I see it is, an Anti-Muslim remark is the same as an Anti-Christian remark, because they are both worshiping the same god, and holding the world back with their archaic and moronic belief systems.

I thought he was best known for cryptic stupid tweets and a shit public persona...

Shitty people are shitty, and you giving them this continued attention is literally making the world a worse place. Go fuck yourself, sincerely, everyone else.

How the headline should actually read:

Which is worse, the subject matter that isn’t anyone’s business, or the fact that this article was published with numerous grammatical errors?

The girl with the headphones’ excitement made my day. “OMG we’re winning everything.”

Fuck you and your headline. He grabbed a phone and she fell out of her chair. He didn’t pull her to the ground. You pandering click bait piece of shit.

That’s not what he said, go listen to the podcast and do your due diligence before lighting the torch and brandishing the pitchfork ffs.

You are truly a moron, and should have your internet taken away.

You are a shitlord, and much of what is wrong with the world.


Pretty much this.

Next year we sign Mike Trout... booyah!