This has made my day. On top of playing KH again.
This has made my day. On top of playing KH again.
Kaldaien is quite the best. He does this stuff in his spare time to keep the rust off basically. He has fixed so much stuff just for fun, it’s remarkable.
“We’ve remastered our units, buildings, and environments, improved game audio, and broadened our supported resolutions. Illustrated interludes bring the struggles and victories of heroes like Artanis, Fenix, Tassadar, Raynor and Kerrigan to life like never before. Most importantly, the strategy gameplay that…
Hmm. I wonder what these would go for now since they are owned by a cubs 1 time world series winner?
Being that I know it’s Bungie’s first, I’m trying my best to give them props for making it take awhile. But I relish the idea of when I do harder content, I get better rewards in the end. And it not play with my emotions
It’s quite a painful thing to endure. Especially after time is vigourously put into the game. Just hoping that the RNG would play in your favor.
Obviously you’re just too quick to judge what is worth something when you’ve nothing to really compare it to. I’ve got nothing as well. And my anecdotal statement, wasn’t a statement with ground to fight. I was just stating that I was alright paying what I paid for when I paid for it, regardless of the nature of…
Hey, I’m all for it. Middle ground doesn’t seem so bad. Just as long as the end doesn’t get easier.
So don’t cater to the crowd of people that want to join their friends instantly? Sure. I believe everyone should have to grind to get the same point. But hey, I’m not a market team in a big company. So I don’t get that kind of say. This is something that is done with basically every game. Even FFXIV is considering (if…
So you just legit repeated everything I just said. I spent $150 and have no problems that someone came along 2 years later and spent $90 less. Congrats to them. It is how it worked because that’s how the cycle always works.
If a copy of Destiny is sitting on the shelf, then you need to let your store manager know the game is free. Bungie legit made Destiny vanilla free (No expansions). If they want the full experience, they buy the Taken King or the Collection. Which I would ditch any XBO/PS4 versions of the Taken King because only the…
So wait, you’re upset by a marketing strategy?
Correction, Challenge of the Elders does now get you to the Cap. All raids will now give you gear to cap. Just like the Crucible. Age of Triumph is your friend.
I couldn’t help but laugh as I watched this. Knowing that each thing was going to be an intentional fuck-up was what made it funnier.
I feel like lists like these shouldn’t exist. Generally the idea is to share what you personally like the most over the others in the respective topic of choice, not call them “the best”. While I agree that this list is nice, mainly cause I enjoyed their tracks, they’re not “the best”. No track in any game is.
Seeing this makes me feel nostalgic all over. I loved watching Fist of the North Star. Even the 3 OVAs they did called New Fist of the North Star. And the spin-off (which I can’t remember the name).
Hate to sound obvious when I say this but, maybe read the kickstarter page?
All very well done. It’s nice to see Toe-Jam and Earl making a comeback
So we get the same Gamercat? lol
Your more of a left brain person than a right.