Know what would be even better? Only show key points in each season and shortening this down to be more enjoyable. Most episodes are just there with no real story, just good morales to preach. Hell, even skip the team-ups.
Know what would be even better? Only show key points in each season and shortening this down to be more enjoyable. Most episodes are just there with no real story, just good morales to preach. Hell, even skip the team-ups.
I’d love NFC Chips with AR/VR to become a thing. Even if we just started with a TCG.
So we’re teaching people to DJ without even trying to understand what it takes to actually become one. And if I’m observing the picture correctly, no Beat Grids, no BPMs, no Sliders/Knobs, no nothing that would make this an enjoyable experience. I can’t even say that using your ears for natural talent would make this…
Maybe the combat system will be better on a console, like how Neverwinter really feels good when it got ported over. Or heck, even Smite. Or Paragon.
Since Wrath already has a 390 version (Hard Mode), doesn’t that make it a silly thing to state? Or are they going to make Normal be 390 and Hard be 400?
I’ve never played this game (Nor do I plan to), but the idea of Permadeath is getting kind of tiresome to hear. I like how Nioh and Nier are handling death. You mess up, you have a chance to recover. You mess up while trying to get your body back, you lose what you’ve earned.
I’m really excited for this.
SWG is/was known for this because of how the Macro system works in the game. No one ever had to be around their keyboard to farm experience for their profession, unless it was crafting (unless you used a 3rd party program for crafting). The worst being Ranged users blasting things a good distance away in the right…
Let me get this straight, you wouldn’t market yourself on others services to try and lure people into using your service? I mean, that’s a classic thing to do. Not like Netflix is free here y’know.
IMVU is the people version basically
Nothing agaisnt Speedrunners.
I’m not sure if I’m more annoyed with this, or flat out pissed. Like, congratulations for finding a way that works for him. But I can’t tell if I’m annoyed or pissed.
Unfortunately, the transition phase is SUPER hard to start. The whole ordeal with having to see a board approved psychologist and doctor, and being with them for 90 days to prove you’re serious, or living the life of other gender for 90 days (Which is kinda hard to do when you’re not that gender, especially when you…
Understandable. They did promise, and didn’t keep up with it. Sadly, they have been grasping at straws. And they really messed up the Valentines event ending early; and being before Gen 2 was released. But that’s what we get when the only games they’ve handled is Ingress and Go.
PVP and Trading are being added soon. Along with the other set of Gen 2 once things have settled.
I personally know Leah “Gllty” Hayes. She used to teach me SFIV and helped me get a lot better. She was a constant visitor at the arcade I was Store Manger of, when we got the SFIV cabinet imported from Japan(Powered by X360 and the TimeX Board). I remember chilling at her house getting my shit wrecked just trying to…
I was once a store manager of 2 arcade stores (Same company) and dealt with this issue many times. The worst of it being kids. The hardest part about the whole situation, explaining to the parent company of the cabinets that we needed different materials to be used for our parts. The process was long and tedious…
I don’t know about you, but feminism has no real ruling here. Considering she’s just cosplaying a character basically to a T. Unless you’re making the conversation all about the character. Even then, it’s a fucking game. In the ALOLAN region, which is our Hawaii in a sense. Women dress like this. Hell, this probably…
Old episode? Um, that’s from the movie.