

Love it!!!!!

I thought Leslie was a man until I started reading the comments. God I’m so old.


I wish there was sad star option

And that is a lot of glass to have to clean


I barely got through the 1st book and it was so poorly written and so obviously ripped off from the concept of 9 and a 1/2 weeks I couldn’t make myself read the next to nor would I ever watch the movies. I can’t remember the last time I saw an ad for a movie that I remotely wanted to go see.

How do you get glamorize out of the title of the movie? What did I miss?

He is one scary looking mother fucker

There are more “people” of color in the doll collection

How can you say Lala (horrid name) has had a lot of work done? Isn’t she in her 20's?????

Seriously - what is the point of making a liar say he apologizes? It’s no secret that hes a racist and will say anything to get his ass out of hot water.

Jan74 -lol!

Doesn’t that make it taxation without representation?

I am so not laughing.....

Who cares? Am I the only person who thinks the royal are just a boring version of the Kardashians?

I actually think it’s dogshit and wax not taffy

 I don’t understand why 99% of Americans are against the bill 
