
 I’m sure she’s a wonderful person but seriously who cares? I put the royal family in the same group as the Kardashians. These people have won the birth lottery and have no idea what life in the real world is about and are really doing nothing to improve things. Not necessarily talented or smart or artistic, they just

 I really love this place.

 Could we bring this guy back too?

 What’s the deal with PETA? I keep hearing what a horrible organization is and considering I always believed it was for the humane Treatment of animals, I find that very confusing. I have not done the research on it because I’m terrified of scene in hearing about animal abuse. 

 I’m struggling with becoming a vegan but there is an incredible amount of resources online these days 

 It seems like frozen veggies are always mushy and tasteless

Ok that was funny

 Maybe they will all calm down and listen to reason since they can’t drink coffee anymore

Lol! Thanks.

No one eats alone? Considering her husband and administration, Shouldn’t it be no one eats?

Well they did have flooding....

Fran D’s laugh - that is very good!

Love this - Thank you!

I noticed that also. Not much $ for their souls. I would need at least over a million.


Pop chips?

I think it is her eyes?

That was intense...

You might need to teach some math as well

 Serious subject but thank you for the giggle.