Lynn McKenzie

IIRC, in "I Want My Baby Back" she actually gets killed driving home from a Beatles concert. Topical!

Risky Business, by a mile.

I gave up a half an hour in, when they stuck the guy's arm out the window and it froze, but HE NEVER SHIVERED ONE LITTLE BIT.

Well, if I assume that you hate Ghostbusters because you're an MRA and that's wrong, isn't it also wrong to claim that I only like the movie because I'm a feminist?

The next time I'm tempted to say that Jerry Lewis is uncool, I will try to remember him jamming on the trumpet with John & Yoko and singing "Give Peace a Chance." Awesome.

The song's not that bad, but it inspired their worst album title: Knee Deep In The Hooplah.

Oh, OK. Yeah, that happens. Kind of gross. But I just can't read the pages before that happens. Too horrible for this animal lover.

I caught my spouse reading the end of that book and I snuck up behind him and put my hand on his shoulder, uttering "Darling" just at the right femtosecond. One of the sublime joys of my life when he jumped six feet and screamed. (He'd claimed King didn't scare him.)

We went when I was a kid in the Seventies, pre-Bush compound. It was a tiny hamlet back then. Loved it. Doubt I would so much now.

That's the fortune cookies. Like I ever bit into a fortune cookie WITHOUT opening it first. Not realistic.

Great essay, but FYI, the interludes between the main sections are all in first person, with Mike Hanlon as the narrator.

HUH?? Did we see the same miniseries? I saw this on ABC in 1990, and I now own it on DVD, and that just did not happen. Was there another adaptation that you're talking about?

I'll buy Schmilco eventually, I'm sure, but Live at the Hollywood Bowl comes first. Which you didn't even mention, for some strange reason.

My interest didn't drop, but there's no denying the music underwent a fundamental change, not just in content but in energy. After Revolver, the all-out enthusiasm of their output got funneled into introspection. I think Get Back/Let It Be was their (or Paul's) attempt to regain that spirit of the early work, but by

Do The Right Thing and Adventureland: the dark and light sides of summer.

Great description!

On the other side of the spectrum is It Follows. IIRC it had a couple jump scares, but what REALLY scared me was what you could see…the person walking towards Jay and getting closer and closer and CLOSER each time the director cut back to it. Damn, that was terrifying.

Screw you. I'm not trolling. I'm trying to understand a different viewpoint from my own. Are you saying that if I don't agree 100% with your side that I should keep my mouth shut? Forget it.

I'm just used to the Internet taking remarks out of context. I tend to be defensive in real life, anyway—and no, I'm not trying to kick any hornet's nests. But I keep thinking about the deaf parents who didn't want their deaf child to have a cochlear implant because they didn't want to lose their deaf culture. While I

Yeah, I saw that episode. I'm trying not to be a dick, honest.