Lynn McKenzie

Musically, McCartney. Lyrically, Lennon. It's really quite easy most of the time (although both can throw you curves).

Oh, dear. I've wasted my life.

Poirot's first book, The Mysterious Affair at Styles, is a must. Christie introduces Poirot and Hastings (his sidekick) and sets up the events of Poirot's final novel, Curtain. It's also got a whalloper of a twist.

How could this reviewer ignore "Hypnotized", by the late Bob Welch? One of FM's best songs.

What's the matter with people? You don't like it, delete it. I wouldn't want Bieber's latest album, but I wouldn't gripe if it were in my iCloud for free. I'd just ignore it.

Way too easy. Like shooting fish in a barrel.

Re Hey Jude: I always interpreted "The movement you need is on your shoulder" as another way of saying "Put your shoulder to the wheel and move forward, and get something done". Poetic license. I'll bet that's what Lennon thought when he heard it.

Still waiting for the McCartney/Gabriel collaboration Rolling Stone promised me in the Eighties.

It's a comparison. Albino is to mulatto as mosquito is to my libido—i.e., opposites. So he's saying his sex drive is gigantic.

I always thought Bob Seger´s line in ¨Like A Rock¨ was classic:

Oh, my God. Wings' "Tomorrow" is astoundingly bad. The oohs are like drowning in a pool of maple syrup. In fact, the entire WILD LIFE album is Godawful.

a lot of [his] writing these days is pretty complicated

More like an entire carton full.

Thank you, WB and Prince. I promise to rebuy everyone of your albums from 1981 on, since they will now sound clear and magnificent instead of as if they were recorded in the next room and buried under cotton. Just don't go all "loudness war" on the EQ, please.

Come back to Community, Donald. All is forgiven. #sixseasonsandamovie

Carol Kaye is my role model. Man, could she play.

I don't know why, but I know that I want to learn to play bass before I die. I just love the sound of really great bass lines. They anchor the music. And bass guitars don't all weigh the same; some are lighter than others. Paul McCartney's Hofner bass is apparently quite light.

"2048 the oceans are gonna be empty"

Somehow I don't think it'll be a big hit in the States.

Both films bug me.