
Any thoughts on the significance of Box writing in "homicide" next to Naz's name (on the station blackboard) after Naz finally told him he didn't want to talk to him ever (or something like that)? I took it to mean, without a confession from Naz, Box couldn't be more specific about the charge than the broad category

See note above re what we knew versus what Box knows — it's not like Naz ran out of the apartment minutes after she was murdered. Who knows what he did during those hours, especially from Box's POV. That said, it could be the lack of any of her blood in any of his "crevices" (Naz did get a pretty thorough examination

Why couldn't he have cleaned up before he left her apartment? Sure, we know he didn't. But he certainly had time.

Good grief.

Yes, she's the linchpin. I don't disagree with that. But other than Saul, nobody else gets too strong for some reason.

I disagree. He was a POW who'd been turned, never meant to be around all that long, but Lewis's and Danes's chemistry was so strong, they kept him around. He ran for office and then had the bombing/non-bombing scene. Then he was on the lam. Very little CIA stuff by that time.

I hate that Quinn died. I understand Brody had to — they'd written themselves into a corner and were distorting the show to keep him around. But that wasn't the case with Peter Quinn. Honestly I'm wondering if Clare Danes just doesn't want the competition. There. I said it.

Wasn't it interesting, though, that after speaking to his therapist with so much feeling about how he couldn't stand being dishonest and he never wanted to be dishonest again, he goes home to Allison and says, "Maybe we should quit therapy. Things are better now, right?" Guess he didn't want to risk going back as a

That's insane. It was Susannah Clarke's to say how the name was pronounced.