
That’s relevant to Tamir Rice and John Crawford how, exactly? We have video evidence showing the opposite. Police running in and gunning them down the first chance they get, within seconds. Watch the videos yourself, you’ll see it with your own eyes. Police will take their time to talk down a guy shooting up a Planned

“With his hands pulling the gun out and his elbow coming up, I knew it was a gun and it was coming out. I saw the weapon in his hands coming out of his waistband and the threat to my partner and myself was real and active,”

I live in Toledo. I see it all the time. White people open carry at fucking grocery stores and people don’t bat an eye.

In addition, there was not nearly enough time for an officer to yell “show me your hands” between the time the car door opened and when an officer opened fire.

I usually dismiss commenters like you (dont think I haven’t noticed you stinking up Gawker and Jez with your dumbass opinions) but I’ll go ahead and break from custom just this once.

Well, it won't bring him back from the dead or end the practices that killed him, but I guess its something.

That’s just confirming their own biases when they believe that J.K. Rowling must by default be male, otherwise it’s fraud. She didn’t assume a completely different identity, that *is* her name and she’s entitled to abbreviate to just her initials if that’s what she wants to do.

It’s troubling that the most fledgling attempts towards reaching equal representation could seem, to anyone, like evidence that the still-dominant class of white men has already lost the upper hand.

I respect your position, but as a not-so -recovered bulimic, I find jokes about eating disorders to be tasteless and triggering. I don’t know why bulimia and anorexia are so amusing (the reality is far from lighthearted and funny) but I sense that it has *something* to do with the notion that they’re generally (in pop