
Initially my friends and I didn’t like Breakpoint, but after playing for a couple of hours we got into it and enjoyed it quite a bit. The endgame stuff is BS, but the main game is fine.

brokepoint is so irritating! all they had to do was copy paste wildlands and it would have been, eh, what the fans wanted at least. wildlands is fun, if a bit rough. just needed polish and instead they sanded every smooth surface making it rough all over

You sure about that? 

I’d say somewhere between that and money shenanigans. I assume that between their success and rudimentary designed games, that the money has to have been more then just misused right? Like can this really just be over spending? On story games?

Their games may have been rudimentary and derivative (of each other) in terms of gameplay, and their “branching” story structure was all illusion of choice, but man, did they tell some pretty good stories. It’s sad to see another studio claimed by “grew too big too fast.” One of the hardest things for companies to

This is a good point. Most readers here probably wouldn’t know who these twats are if it wasn’t for Kotaku continually telling us. Not publishing stories about them wouldn't cut back on their subscribers or anything meaningful, but we could all live on in blissful ignorance here. Which would be nice. 

You know whats weird? I’m a pretty plugged-in guy, I'm on serveral different social medias, including YouTube, I'm on Reddit all the time, I follow some news outlets... and I never hear about this guy apart from articles on here talking about how absolutely everyone knows him and how he’s the apparent evil heir to all

Tina Belcher wins!

The comparison of the PS3 and Xbox One I suppose makes some sense considering the extremely rough launches of each console.

The answer is that they don’t want to make it. The 2nd one wasn’t well received and this is a bland, uninspired buddy copy-themed clone of Saints Row, a much better game, and is really just a relic of the mid-late 2000s gaming genre.

We’ve moved on to better things. Microsoft knows that there’s *some* demand for the

I think it’s important to note that if you’re like me and you just like playing the NBA simulation modes and don’t care about all the avatar story mode stuff, 2K18 was an excellent basketball game.

Women in videogames have no choice, because they’re fictional characters that have as much agency as their writers/creators/the script gives them.

Cool. Thank`s


BF1 was trash though and I have no interest in just another WW2 shooter so I welcome and the wacky and dumb skins.

Oh how soon you forget how women fighters in Battlefield 1 ruined the game’s realism.

Women fought in WW II.

This is established historical fact.

The delicate fee-fees of the armchair historians who’ve never cared to engage with the reality of the war beyond saying “I watched Band of Brothers five times” (and no insult to Band of Brothers; I own the Blu-Ray and DVD editions, it was that good) are not a

While this is accurate information, it is just another in a long list of completely worthless metrics in the automotive industry.

It built character.