Funny, but to be expected of these websites, not a single person taking their time to comment and of course giving your site hits/traffic is “approved”... i don’t get this group of websites, do you want people to interact with your website or not? lol :P
Funny, but to be expected of these websites, not a single person taking their time to comment and of course giving…
Leaking $30 ink all over the overpriced books I now will not be able to sell back to the bookstore for some laughably insulting amount.
Nope. The Standing Rock Sioux have been protesting the pipeline for a while now, and have been joined by hundreds of other tribes in what is the largest protest gathering by Native American/First Nation peoples in over a century. This was a deliberate “fuck you” to all of them.
On Democracy Now there’s a video, where the dog’s mouth is covered in blood, and the “handlers” (hired goons?) clearly have no idea what they are doing. It’s an absolute shit-show, because these people are Native and apparently everyone just shrugs when you abuse them.
Same. I think I read somewhere that writing things make a more lasting imprint on your brain than mere typing.
So, in a lot of ways, these people are no better than ISIS. Destroying cultural heritage sites is despicable and unforgivable.
They did this on a reservation legally owned and governed by the Sioux? Not that I’d expect the Federal Government to break their streak of failing to honor a single treaty with various Native American tribes, but I thought reservations were at least some space of dignity and autonomy for Native Americans. Just…
What’s especially upsetting about this is that these types of things are very preventable. People try to represent the Natives as being stubborn and not wanting to give up a piece of land. However, the primary concern of many tribes is not the land itself, but the remains and artifacts that are there. What they were…
The idea is to force a lawsuit. Then they can just pay out a few million dollars and get on with the project. The fine is a rounding error compared with the overall programme budget, it’s the delay which is a problem. Construction works like that.
Hearing a store clerk say happy holidays? Oppressive war on Christmas! Razing sacred indigenous grounds? That’s just important capitalistic freedom!
I’m glad this was picked up. These people have legitimate fear that their drinking water will be poisoned and they are set upon by dogs and pepper spray. I feel incredulous that this happens in the USA 2016 then I feel ignorant because of COURSE it does.
Yes, definitely. Typing notes is like a direct pathway from my ears to my fingers— completely bypassing my brain. When I write by hand, for whatever reason, the words actually have to pass through my brain and potentially stick there.
I write for a newspaper. A few years ago, the company replaced our desktops with laptops, which apparently a lot of my colleagues use to type notes during meetings and interviews. I prefer to write notes by hand in a notebook. Something about handwriting the info makes it stick in my brain better when I’m later…
Nah, I’m the same way - I’m 28 and still prefer to hand write all of my notes, even in an office environment. In undergrad I took a notebook to lectures/discussion sections, and would later type up all of my notes (along with any important book passages, etc.) to make a study guide for exams/midterms/finals. The…
“If I look out at at my classroom virtually none of them are using a notebook.”
$30 ballpoint pens
Buying new school supplies for the year used to be my favorite thing. I loved all those crisp shiny new folders, unmarked notebooks and brand new colored pencils. I’d put a sticker with my name on it on every item in my stash. I seriously want to go buy school supplies now.
That sounds real great until they disappear her within a week and/or find a way to prevent her from having any access to Suri again. No, I don’t think she’ll speak about it publicly until her child is no longer a minor because of how vitriolic and well-funded that “church” is.
Pumie Scouring Stick works as well. It’s basically white pumice, safe for porcelain.