lyndon allydice

It doesn’t matter what they call it. What they need to do is make it so the car gives you less leeway when your hands are off the wheel. But, they don’t want to do that. Even if they do that it won’t change people trying to cheat the system. People already buy weights to hang on the wheel so the car thinks you’re

It all depends on whether Tesla is correct that their drivers will have significantly fewer accidents. If they’re right, then they’ll be paying out fewer claims.

Are there subsidies Tesla gets that no other automaker gets? I was under the impression that electric car subsidies are available to any automaker that makes fully electric or partial electric vehicles. There are subsidies for hydrogen fueled and even compressed natural gas. What subsidies are only available to Tesla?

His rocket wasn’t a new. He thought do he could build his own cheaper. Rocket Engineers told Spacex getting their rockets to land vertically would never work.

so just keeps getting lucky? Keep stumbling into billion dollar companies?

“1) Why do you think no one else has done this?

There are a number of people and companies, not named Elon, trying to make Elon work. There’s no magic in the hyperloop by the way. It’s an old idea, just like the electric; both technologies were tested in production more than 100 years ago. 

He seemed to do OK with Spacex where many told him what he wanted to do was impossible.  It may be he’s bitten off more than he can chew here, but I’ll wait and see. 

I don’t believe he’s released any info about what’s he’s doing different yet. I believe they’re in the process of trying to figure out how they can make improvements tunneling, reinforcing walls, the machines themselves, etc.   I don’t believe he’s claimed to have it figured out yet. But, his goal is to be able to

why do we think the boring company will be allowed to ignore safety regulations that apply to other tunnels? He’s simply said he thinks he can do it faster and cheaper. we’ll have to wait and see if he’s wrong. When he said he could build cheaper rockets and reuse some of them, people said he was an idiot and would

you mean you don’t see a story here? Because there are lots of stories about their recent loss.