

Sorry, but Canada can't really defend itself. It is a huge country, relatively sparsely populated with a small military. If not for the facts that we have a powerful and warlike friend to the south, and we're geographically isolated from less friendly countries, we'd be screwed.

...and done...many times over []

Hahahah! Thank you!

Smelly cat, smelly cat....what are they feeding you?

This kind of profanity-infected whiney rant is a way to get people to read, comment and otherwise put eyeballs on your blog. Just another way to get people to look at YOUR shitty product so your advertisers pay you. Get off your soapbox. If you want to complain about risque or sexist material used to sell things or

Apple seems to be doing alright with the iMacs. But, you know best I suppose.

If you are a "complete" noob, then you may want to consider something with good autofocus in video. I know that it's heresy to the purists and the faux-pros, but it's super handy when capturing some impromptu action and not having to fiddle with the manual focus. For this I like the Panasonic/Lumix GH1 or GH2 with the

If you take a look at the number of pieces in a kit, it generally relates to the price. Obviously there are deviations from this, such as when it comes to kits with a bunch of really tiny bits or really big bits or motors. Also, it seems that licened kits (Harry Potter, Star Wars, etc) add another 10-20%. Then there

...and like most of the decent media stores, it won't be available in Canada for some inscrutable reasons. I'd bet on this.

Ever since the TV-B-Gone thing at CES I stopped taking them seriously.

Slow news day.

Nice headline. Stay classy Gizmodo.

You can also audio record a lecture or meeting and take notes with OneNote. When you go back to review the recording or notes, with OneNote you can listen to the audio recorded at the time you wrote the notes, or the other way around. It's incredibly handy when you try to figure out "why did I write that down", then

I think Giz is hoping to get invited back to the Apple events after the person (who shall remain nameless) bought the stolen iPhone 4 prototype and got the whole blog blacklisted by Apple.

I'm in the Yarrow building in Victoria, BC. No shakin' here!

If he wasn't a paralegic when he built this, he would almost certainly be one after a week or two...

I've never had to balance paint in my ass...well, ever. You sir, may be on the cusp of something unique to the species! I applaud you. Bravo!

Lytro may just render this article obsolete very soon!

Lawsuit in 3...2...1...