
Well, it was created by the master...

Yeah - y’all did real good. Looks like over here we’re going to have to reopen this debate.

Agreed. Nothing beats Miles on vinyl! It just leads you to a different plane of existence. Although I love some Brian Wilson and Pet Sounds too.

Agreed. Nothing beats Miles on vinyl! It just leads you to a different plane of existence. Although I love some

Found him!

How about Republican rally? GOP circus extravaganza? Trump campaign stop?

I’m lat to the party - but I thought the Poldark people bought the rights to my namesake’s books - The Lymond Chronicles by Dorothy Dunnett - it’s Pride and Prejudice meets Game of Thrones on steroids.

Something big must be about to break - more smoke and mirrors.

Well, we are a nation colonized by religious refugees and criminals - so maybe it’s in our genes.

Would love to have the time off to go but oh well...

Well, once again we find that clowning and anarchy don’t mix.

I know this just adds layers to layers to all of our rage fatigue - but how is Moxie Marlinspike not the next Bond girl?

Unfortunately this is true right now. If dumpshit hadn’t been elected all of this would’ve just simmered up later on. Even though it’s ugly and it sucks - the first step to fixing problems is admitting you have them. This whole nightmare has at least shined a light on some major issues. Now, if we can just get people

This is everything. Petulant wanna be dictator holds a shitty grudge. The Greed Over People party are the enablers. The wealthy have to watch out for their own no matter how crap they are.

It’s been a while since I worked with her so I may be foggy on some of the details, but I do remember she said that after the surgery she started thinking about things musically where she hadn’t before. She is an incredibly lovely person

ended up not need up

Apparently it happened with her. She never really played an instrument and I think she need up being able to play either the piano or the guitar. She writes country songs under a pen name.

True story - Mary Steenburgen went in for dental surgery and came out a musical prodigy having never been musical before - in her 40's or 50's. Having worked with her - I can concur that everything Ted Danson says is absolutely true about her.

Baby elephant - Never Forget!!