
Are y’all taking this to twitter? Kamala Harris? Ted Lieu? Elizabeth Warren? Any and all Dem reps and senators?

Can someone check Trump tower?

Where there’s smoke there’s...

Yes, I think this is all going according to the master plan.

At least Jimmy Carter’s hands are big enough to hold a hammer.

The force is with us. We are one with the force.

The purpose of releasing this was so that the GOP sub contracts out their doxxing to the right wing trolls.

Obama? Benghazi? Her emails? Can we even refer to her emails now that they are secondary in the news cycle to the baby elephant killer’s?

Saying this in the nicest way possible - Paul Ryan, you are a piece of shit!

Russia needs to be added to the terrorist watch list - they’ve managed to do what no other group of terrorists have done - destroy democracy in the US.

And never forget - he’s a baby elephant killer.

I’m convinced all republicans are sociopaths - even some of the nice ones that are family friends.

Where is the progressive Peter Thiel to help our cause? If I were a billionaire - rescuing senior dogs and bringing down fox news would be my raison d’être.

She has also been tracked up in the Cape Fear River. She’s quite the traveler.

Once this all goes down if it ever does - can we charge Fox news with treason? I know free speech and all that - but they are willfully misleading the morons. Or at least Murdoch? I blame them for destroying democracy.

Well, once again we find that clowning and anarchy don’t mix.

So...this nothing burger is turning into a whopper?

I had no idea Patrick was a Grand Starfish. Spongebob is much more subversive than I thought.

Make America Gag Again

Yes, I did!