Excuse me, but you had the low paying job BEFORE you had the kids, so don’t complain that the job doesn’t pay enough to support them. Rather, you should blame your poor decision to have children when you couldn’t afford them.
Maybe, just maybe, you shouldn’t be having 2 kids if you make $10 an hour. I make more than that and am making the fiscally responsible decision to not have kids.
If they’re anything like my parents... No, he doesn’t make dinner either. Or clean around the house. Or do the laundry.
Her partner currently does not work. It would be nice if he could help her get her /their kids ready and pick them up from school, unless she does this out of enjoyment. Hopefully he is making her dinner and stuff like that at least.
I can’t say we’ve seen an increase in the husky population in my shelter, pitbulls are still number one by far.
Here’s my moment to say: you don’t “need” a special dog breed to be a family pet. If you have allergies, or have sheep to herd, or need a hunting animal or whatever ok fine. But if you just want something to love and be loved by, there is no better place to find that friend than your local shelter. Every pet we’ve had…
I sat next to a couple who were writing their NYT wedding announcement and I had to live text it to my friend group chat because it was soooooo ridiculous. I wish I could find it. They met in an a capella group at Yale, I believe.
The rules for quarantine and bringing animals in and out of a country are there for very good reasons. Especially in a place like Australia that is geographically isolated. You can’t break them because you’re rich and want your dogs with you.
Meghan is better looking than Harry. She also brings more to the relationship.
She’s the more attractive of the pair.
I’ve been *heavily* marketed to by Blue Apron, but their service is not for me. Even if it were, the amount of packaging that gets used is gross. On the other hand, they had a good product idea and they seemed to be going gangbusters—to the extent Amazon is hurting them, it’s worrisome. Any given business shouldn’t…
I recently forgot to pack underwear on a trip to Toronto. I frankly hated spending even a minute of vacation time shopping for underwear.
I routinely forget important things while packing (pajamas on one weekend trip, a fresh shirt on another (I managed to pack pants, just not a shirt)). When I’m like “fuuuuuuuuck I forgot socks”, I would be happy to buy cheap fast fashion in vendable form instead of trying to sell my soul for wifi to find an H&M or…
your anatomy must work different than mine. getting into a sports bra is a 15-20 minute procedure.
Well, that logo is getting more use out of the touchpad than any other PS4 game at least..